Religious Studies
Religious studies aims to stimulate interest and enthusiasm in pupils for the study Of Islam through the acquisition and development of knowledge and understanding of the key elements (beliefs, values and traditions) of Islam as a “living religion” and other religions.
Enable pupils to consider the influence of these beliefs and values and their impact and significance in everyday life.
Develop empathy by considering all view points from religious and other responses, to moral and social issues.
Identify, investigate and respond to fundamental questions or the ultimate questions of life raised by religion and human experiences, such as is there a life after death? And what the evidence is.
Enhance social and personal skills relevant to the study of people and religion such as empathy, respect, tolerance and understanding.
Why is studying RS relevant?
RS provides our pupils to work in Britain’s multicultural society and participate meaningfully in today’s vibrant society of mixed cultures, faiths and backgrounds.
By accessing knowledge and therefore fostering respect for diverse religious traditions and their historical roots, pupils have an increased awareness and understanding of different cultural values which will provide them with a solid foundation for a variety of careers and community engagement post 16.
The interpersonal skills attract employers who look for potential employees with enquiring minds and the ability to reach balanced decisions, opinions and viewpoints.
These skills are developed through RS along with developing critical thought and analysis, useful in careers such as: journalism, law, social work, medicine, international relations, business, publishing, and teaching, counselling and working in local government.
Flavour of topics from KS3 RS (year 7-9)
- Morality
- Different Approaches to finding God (Ultimate questions)
- Five Pillars of Islam
- Festivals in World Religions
- Inspirational leaders
Half termly – Written or project based teacher assessments and/or topic tests.
Termly – written paper on topics covered
- Research projects
- Group presentations/role plays
- Peer assessments
- Verbal and written feedback
RS KS4 AQA New Spec
Details of the Course:
The course consists of the following units of study:
- Unit 1: The study of religions: beliefs, teachings and practices.
- ASSESMENT: Practices from two faiths- Islam and Christianity.
- Paper 1: 1 hr 45 min – (96 marks)
5 marks SPAG – 50% weighting.
- Unit 2: Thematic studies – 4 out of the 6 possible themes.
What’s assessed?
Either four religious, philosophical and ethical studies themes
or two religious, philosophical and ethical studies themes and two textual studies themes.
Religious, philosophical and ethical studies themes:
- Theme A: Relationships and families.
- Theme B: Religion and life.
- Theme C: The existence of God and revelation.
- Theme D: Religion, peace and conflict.
- Theme E: Religion, crime and punishment.
- Theme F: Religion, human rights and social justice.