Learning at
Manchester Muslim Preparatory School
Rich opportunities to achieve academic excellence
We offer a broad and balanced curriculum with strong foundations in English and Mathematics. Pupils are fully supported to develop their full potential and achieve academic success.
We expect pupils to demonstrate a passion for learning and an ambition to achieve excellence in their studies. Our children are articulate, determined and confident. They go on to become the well-educated role models of their communities.
A diverse and rich curriculum based on play and exploration provides memorable experiences and an enjoyable high-quality education. It is designed to provide pupils with their full learning entitlement and can be customised to meet the changing needs of individuals and groups.
The school follows the National Curriculum, which is complemented by lessons in Quran recitation, Arabic and Islamic Studies and Urdu. Computing lessons develop technical skills. Creativity is encouraged through Art, Drama and Design Technology, whilst Science and History build practical knowledge and an inquisitive mind. Religious education and Citizenship lessons develop a sense of responsibility and understanding. A range of PE and sporting activities are accessible both within school time, and on an extra-curricular basis.
Our high standards and academic success were recognised during our last Ofsted inspection. We strive for excellence in reading, writing and mathematics. Results from end of Key Stage 2 tests speak for themselves and continue to be well above the national standard.