Physical Education
You will know and understand the importance of PE and Sport in the curriculum and beyond.
Our mission in the PE department is to give
“every child the opportunity to engage themselves in quality PE, sport and physical activity and to encourage healthy active lifestyles.”
Why study this subject?
All children should be able to enjoy physical activity whatever their circumstances or abilities, and for many this opportunity is only available through school. Physical activity has been shown to have a wide range of benefits for all young people during their school years including improved concentration, commitment and raised self esteem. It is also strongly linked in pupil behaviour, school attendance and attainment. PE and Sport helps children to develop social skills including teamwork, integration and leadership skills.
These benefits are particularly significant if a child’s experience of physical activity is high quality and fun, motivating them to adopt an active lifestyle and to continue to participate in sport outside of school and into adulthood. Undisputed long term health benefits, including a reduction in obesity and improved general fitness leading to a reduction in the risk of some health problems including coronary heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer.
What we do at KS3 & 4
At KD Grammar PE remains compulsory through both Key Stages 3&4 of the national curriculum because of the many benefits for pupils, and our aim is to make PE attractive to all children, whatever their level of skill.
Sport helps children and young people to grow healthily and develop personally, socially, emotionally and physically. It can provide them with opportunities to have an enormous amount of fun and increase their circle of friends.
How will this help our pupils?
Through sport children can develop valuable qualities including leadership, independence, cooperation, confidence and self-esteem. Research has shown that children involved in sport often perform better academically and have greater social confidence.
Sport can enrich people’s quality of life, raise self esteem and confidence levels and provide enjoyment to individuals.
It also has a much larger part to play in building stronger, safer communities, strengthening the economy and developing the skills of local people, meeting the needs of children and improving everyone’s health.
External Links
The PE department at KD Grammar has great external links that benefits our students with a number of organisations like Zesh Rehman Foundation, British Heart Foundation, Manchester United junior ticket scheme. We have had a number of visitors supporting our PE department like boxer Haroon Khan commonwealth games bronze medalist 2010, Zesh Rehman the first British Asian to play in the Premier League, Ex Nigerian World Cup star and Bury defender Efe Sodje, Dr Zafar Iqbal ex Liverpool first team club doctor now with Crystal Palace, Imran Majid kickboxer silver medallist at the world championships 2011, Lee Smith kickboxer world champion 2009, Earl Barrett ex Manchester City footballer, Paul Broadbent ex Rugby league international player and now Sky Sports living for sport mentor and Nathan Ellington ex professional footballer.
In 2011 our year 7 students took part in a pilot study part of the Get up Get Moving programme coordinated by Dr Zafar Iqbal and the Zesh Rehman Foundation where students won a competition and got to meet Ex Liverpool and England captain Steven Gerrard at Melwood training ground. The last two academic years the school has built a good link with the Jamie Carragher soccer schools where coached have come into school to work with the students and students have gone to visit Jamie Carragher at his academy in Bootle.
Web Links
Extra Curricular
We have a number of after school activities running through the academic year like football, fitness, basketball, badminton, table tennis, swimming and cricket. We have football teams who participate in the Manchester Boys league who currently play in the South Championship. We have Cricket teams who participate in the Manchester schools cup. We have friendly fixtures against other schools in table tennis, badminton and basketball.
There has been an improvement in the standard of football played at the school. Under the guidance of a qualified football coach the school now holds its own with other Manchester schools and in 2013 was runner up in a national tournament for Muslim schools
OFSTED Quotes 2014
“There has been an improvement in the standard of football played at the school. Under the guidance of a qualified coach, the school now holds its own with other Manchester schools and, in 2013, was runner-up in a national tournament for Muslim schools.”
“Pupils make clear and demonstrable progress in the development of knowledge, skills and understanding: in a Year 7 PE lesson, there was a well-thought out progression of single to multiple hockey skills and simple to complex applications.”