by Nahla | Oct 22, 2020 | Latest News
Throughout October pupils have been researching different figures from Black History, understanding the contribution they have made, as well as reflecting on why Black History Month is so important.
by Nahla | Oct 22, 2020 | Latest News
Year 6 were pleased to welcome Rabbi Warren Elf via zoom( Faith Network Forum). He spoke to the children about Judaism, showing them artefacts such as the Torah scrolls and yad, as well as demonstrating the blowing of the Shofah (prayer horn). Children were able to...
by Nahla | Oct 8, 2020 | Latest News
Even though we can’t have visitors in school, Year 5 and 6 were still able to expand their learning in history, with a fun, informative and interactive live online workshop about Ancient Greek Art and Architecture. Children learnt all about types of Greek...
by Nahla | Oct 2, 2020 | Latest News
It was Healthy Eating Week at MMPS. Children and staff were all trying to eat make healthier choices for their meals. Pupils have been sending in photos all week of their delicious dinners with everything from quinoa with spinach to beetroot curry. Year 6 were the...
by Nahla | Oct 1, 2020 | Latest News
Poems, Rhymes, Acrostics, Verse! Lots of poetry going on during National Poetry Day all over school. Year 6 have been exploring the work of poet, Tony Walsh. Year 5 have been looking at poetry about the environment. Year 3, 2 and 1 have been using their senses to...